Wednesday 11 December 2013

He Lived Among Us - Tribute to Nelson Mandela, by Wayne Visser


By Wayne Visser

Tribute to Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)

He lived among us –
This child named Rolihlahla
This boy called Nelson
This man we knew as Mandela –
And now he is gone

He shared our days –
This son of Africa, our Madiba
This father of a nation, our Tata
This guardian of humanity, our Elder –
And now he is gone

He was one of us –
This shepherd of the people
This harbinger of hope and joy
This legend of our time and place –
And now he is gone

He was our leader
Our defender, our nation’s spear
And he showed us how to fight

He was our enemy
Our nemesis, our conscience
And he showed us how to be free

He was our light
Our sun, our inspiration
And he showed us how to forgive

Yet did we ever really know him?
This lawyer who became an outlaw
This soldier who became a peacemaker
This prisoner who became a liberator

How can we fathom his depths?
This father who lost a son and wife
This comrade who lost so many friends
This martyr who lost twenty-seven years

How can we see into his heart?
This intellectual who became an activist
This statesman who became a gardener
This icon who became the world’s beloved

We remember him
For his skilful manoeuvring
Through the political maze
And even more for his love of dancing

We remember him
For his human touch
Among the powerful and powerless
And even more for his love of children

We remember him
For his human foibles
That made him fallible like us
And even more for his love of justice

He lived among us –
And now it is for us to carry his torch onward
It is for us to follow his shining example
It is for us to fight for his unshakeable ideals –
Now that he is gone

He shared our days –
And now we must make the rest of our days count
We must work as he did to set others free
We must show that the spirit can triumph in the end –
Now that he is gone

He was one of us –
And now we are challenged to become one of him
We are inspired to be the best we can be
We are reminded that ‘I am because we are’ –
Now that he is gone

Nkosi Sikelel’iMandela!
We will honour his memory
By never losing faith in times of adversity
We will celebrate his life
By always daring to hope for a miracle
We will keep his legacy alive
By choosing to walk daily in his footsteps
On the path of love

Amandla! Awethu!

Image credits: Painting by Alfred Hilton (c) 2013

Tuesday 17 September 2013

African Dream - London Concert (16 November 2013)

Join us for a concert celebration of AFRICA!
Words Images Music
Poetry by Wayne Visser Photography by Bob Webzel
Paul Cheneour on Flutes Lennie Charles on Percussion
Saturday 16 November 2013, 7.00 pm
St Marks Church, Myddelton Square, London EC1R 1XX
Admission £10.00. Books and CDs available for sale

Thursday 28 March 2013


Photograph by Bob Webzell. Published in African Dream, by Wayne Visser & Bob Webzell. Copyright 2013.

Photographs by Bob Webzell

Photograph by Bob Webzell. Published in African Dream, by Wayne Visser & Bob Webzell. Copyright 2013.

Publication Details & Ordering

Title: African Dream: Inspiring Words & Images from the Luminous Continent

Author: Wayne Visser (Words) & Bob Webzell (Photographs)

Publisher: Wayne Visser/Blurb (1st ed. pbk. 2012)

Citation: Visser, W. & B. Webzell (2012) African Dream: Inspiring Words & Images from the Luminous Continent, London: Blurb.

To Order: 

About the Photographer: Bob Webzell

Bob Webzell, from the UK’s home counties, is sure he has ‘Africa in his blood’ with a life-long passion for Africa’s wildlife and people. A former West London university lecturer and Gambian healthcare-teacher, Bob exhibits photography, lectures and competes internationally and lets his photographic eye tell his stories. All proceeds of Bob’s photography are donated through the charity Serian UK to build Noonkodin School, Tanzania. His website is

About the Author: Wayne Visser

Wayne Visser was born in Zimbabwe and has lived most of his life in South Africa. He has a deep love for Africa, its people and its wildlife, which is given voice through this collection. Wayne is a writer, academic, social entrepreneur, professional speaker and amateur artist. He has published sixteen previous books, including I Am An African: Favourite Africa Poems. His website is